Four Components
Client request job to Resource Manager
Resource Manager
- handles Client request
- Start/Monitor ApplicationMaster
- Monitor NodeManager
- Resource allocation and call
Node Manager sends status heartbeat to Resource Manager
- single node self resource management
- handle commands from ResourceManager
- handle commands from ApplicationMaster
Container: (in NodeManager)a unit of Resource(Memory, disk size, cpu, network io, disk io), there will be a job task in each Container. Some task in Container also will send Task Status to App Master.
App Master: (in NodeManager)Manager(monitor, manage) for one app. Calculate how much Container it needs, then request the Container from Resource Manager. Once get Container, run the app.
- cut data to blocks
- request resource from Resource Manager, and allocate resource to jobs
- monitor jobs and failure compatible
Example: MapReduce App Master, MPI App Master, etc..
MapReduce in Yarn flow
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