Not lower than JSP1.2 and Servlet 2.3 can use jstl
JSP2.0 can use jstl1.2
- normal usage tag
- conditional tag
- iterator tag
- url related tag(xml, sql)
Config jstl library
We need two librarys: jstl and taglibs-standard
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
Four levels,
- pageContext.setAttribute("abc", "abc1
- <c:if test="${empty abc}">
- abc is empty
- </c:if>
- <c:if test="${!empty abc}">
- abc is not empty
- </c:if> ");
- request.setAttribute("abc", "abc2");
- session.setAttribute("abc", "abc3");
- application.setAttribute("abc", "abc3");
${pageContext.request.contextPath} is the contextPath I prefer to use, it returns the web app path, as same as request.getContextPath()
detect if value is null, "", empty array, empty map or empty collection
<c:if test="${empty abc}">
abc is empty
<c:if test="${!empty abc}">
abc is not empty
quick condition
call a function with zero to multiple arguments
<c:out value="${abc}"></c:out>
${} is the mark for that enclosed value is a variable or expression
With the same attribute name, c:out value always looking for the lowest level value first.
<c:out value="${abc}" default="default_value"></c:out> : default value if no attribute found in any level
<c:out value="${abc}" escapeXml="false"></c:out>
true: make the output to be text only
false: make the output to be html
default is true
<c:out value="${}"></c:out>: user is an object, name is the field of the object
Which equals ((User)request.getAttribute("user")).getName();
<c:set var="abc" value="abc4" scope="request"></c:set>
Do not include ${} in var because it's already variable name, only use ${} when it's for value
<c:remove var="abc" scope="request"/>
If scope is not set, this will remove all four levels attributes with that variable name
<c:catch var="myException" >
<% int i=8/0; %>
<c:out value="${myException}"></c:out><c:out value="${myException.message}"></c:out>
Catch and assign the exception a variable name, so you can catch it latter
<c:if> can only work with single condition
<c:if test="${a=='hello'}">
<c:if test="${a!='hello'}">
<c:if test="${age>56}">
<c:if test="${age1>10 and age1<56}">
in middle
<br />
Same as:
<c:when test="${age>56}">Old</c:when>
<c:when test="${age<29}">Young</c:when>
<c:when test="${age>=29 and age<=56}">Middle</c:when>
<c:otherwise>Age not available</c:otherwise>
ArrayList<User> list = new ArrayList<User>();
list.add(new User("aaa",19));
list.add(new User("bbb",29));
list.add(new User("ccc",39));
pageContext.setAttribute("list", list);
1.Simple forEach
<c:forEach items="${list}" var="user">
<c:out value="${}" />
<c:out value="${user.age}" />
<br />
2. iterate fix times, like for loop
<c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10">
<c:out value="${i}" />
3. iterate fix times with number of steps, like for loop
instance 1 can use `step` also
<c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10" step="3">
<c:out value="${i}" />
4. can iterator through map or set
<c:forEach items="${map}" var="entry">
<c:forEach items="${set}" var="value">
5. nested level also work fine
<c:forEach items="${set}" var="value">
<c:forTokens items="a,b,c,d,e,f" begin="0" end="2" step="2" delims="," var="value">
<c:out value="${value}" />
<c:redirect url=""></c:redirect>
import other pages, can also pass parameters, use ${} to get passed value
<c:import url="/WEB-INF/a.jsp">
<c:param name="name" value="abc"></c:param>
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